The following images show a small sample of the many public and community art projects that Debra has delivered across the Isle of Man, Manchester and Cheshire.
Learn more about Debra's current projects on their assigned pages.

This silk painting workshop was delivered at The Hub, Port Erin, to commemorate the end of WW1. A trio of poppies were produced: red to respect and honour those who gave their lives, white to wish for peace and purple to honour the animals whose lives were lost during the war.

Great fun was had by all at a Douglas Youth Arts Centre workshop during February half term, with artist Debra Tracey

A mass community and public art trail by Wild in Art for Hospice IOM, Debra Tracey of Isle be Creative, was one of the three artists sponsored by Arts Council IOM to create a Wallaby for this exciting project

A fun week for young people at Douglas Youth Arts Centre with artist Debra Tracey

Students enjoying a relaxed pebble decorating session at The Hub, Port Erin, with artist Debra Tracey. The pebbles were used as part of a collaborative art Sculpture inspired by Beltane, with artists at Grenaby Studios: Claire Pearse, Rosie Wood, Rosie Glassey, Graham Hall, Graham Rider, Pauline Quay, Nicola Dixon, Alice Rose Fayle, Jo Lewy and Debra Tracey - supported by Isle of Man Arts Council.

Students sharing their work, created at a mosaic course led by artist Debra Tracey at The Hub, Port Erin. Supported by Gough Ritche the course lasted 6 weeks and students produced a 'flutter' of butterflies for their community garden.

Make your Mark was a print making workshop led by artist Debra Tracey, at St Oswald's Parish Church, Bollington, created to spread some creative therapy during Bollington Festival 2019.

Print making workshop at St Oswald's Parish Church, Bollington for Bollington Festival 2019

MSV and Debra Tracey meet to discuss their exciting community mosaic project which will engage members of the local community, due for completion 2020

Students hard at work during this creative therapy session at The Hub Port Erin

Sneak peeks of Debra Tracey's preparation and work in progress for Wild in Art's Wallabies Gone Wild, mass community and public art project, in aid of Hospice IOM.

Paper Mache Buggane being painted during a Douglas Youth Arts Centre half term arts project with artist Debra Tracey

Safe, fun and creative - this half term art project was held at Douglas Youth Arts Centre with artist Debra Tracey

Douglas Youth Arts Centre held a fun mosaic course during half term with artist Debra Tracey

Bishop of Chester blessing the community mosaic, commissioned by St Oswald's Parish Church, created by Debra Tracey artist who facilitated 846 members of the community to contribute at least one piece in the mosaic.